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VW Warwick 2024 General Information
October 5th - October 6th 2024
Welcome to VW Warwick, an all VW drag racing weekend. This is the sixteenth year for Warwick, and the event has grown into Australia's premier VW motorsport weekend.
The weekend programme for Warwick starts this year with a Dyno session at the track on Friday evening. Diesel Tune are bringing along their mobile dyno for a number of invited and guest drag cars to run some figures on the rollers. All are welcome to come along and watch the action.
Then on Saturday the traditional morning the street parade and static display in the Warwick CBD at Leslie Park. This is an excellent opportunity for all VWs, competing or spectating, to showcase their cars to the Warwick public. It will also constitute some judging for the Show'n'Shine on Sunday. The parade and display will be from 9.30 until 11.00 (see programme).
Scrutineering happens back at the track from 11am until 12noon, after which their will be a driver's briefing on the staging lanes.The briefing will run through the procedures and workings of the Warwick Dragway, and will also include a demonstration for first time drag racers on how the lights and staging process work. Unlimited practice and qualifying will follow the briefing from 1 - 5pm.
On Sunday, an additional hour practice will be conducted in the morning from 9am - 10am, followed by a 4 round Round Robin competition with a final. Please refer to the programme for more info. The programme should finish by 3pm. Show'n'Shine, Swap Meet and Trade displays are also on the Sunday programme.
VW Warwick is an 1/8th mile track, a perfect introduction for the novice, yet long enough to entice the professionals to go hard. If you have never tried drag racing, but have always harbored a desire to give it a try, these all VW race meets provide a non-threatening environment, where you can learn at your own pace and collect some useful tips from the experienced racers. Classes cover Aircooled, Watercooled, VW Bodied Other Engine, VW Specials (ie Buggies) and Trikes.
This year there will be two finals for the Top VW Shootout, a final for normally aspirated cars and one for forced induction. Cut-off times for the two brackets will be decided as per normal, and if the past years are anything to go by, both finals should field the full 8 cars each. With a number of interstate competitors planning to attend the weekend the final result will be quite close.
This website offers some general information about how to drag race, the programme and prices for VW Warwick, and an entry form for competitors. As pre-entry is mandatory, competitors must have their entry and money to VWMA by Friday 27 September 2024. No entries will be accepted on the day.
See you on the track!

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AutoLine Garage